…”But the king—or queen—of the woods is a woodpecker. I laugh along whenever I hear the loud ha-ha-ha-ha-ha echo through the trees. The pileated woodpecker is the largest North American woodpecker, about crow size, but its red crest and long tail feathers make it appear larger. It was the model for Woody the Woodpecker.” Susan Vaughan


My response to the prompt:

hearing  your tapping

carried through the trees
message dear and clear
Our host  wrote:
Jane gives us the following example for this modern kigo for winter:
tall dead pinethe tiny holes of the woodpecker’spantry© Jane Reichhold

A nice haiku, with a smile, but there is also a deeper spiritual meaning for the Woodpecker.

If Woodpecker has come knocking…

It is time to really pay attention because opportunity is has come knocking along with it. It is signaling you that great changes are happening in your life and it is up to you to seize the moment. Whether it is the renewal of an old project, the finishing of a new project or simply a serendipitous meeting with someone in your life. Whatever way you perceive it know that the door is wide open for you right now and that success is your for the asking.


Woodpecker as your Totem…

You have the power of rhythm in your blood. You are tuned to the heartbeat of the Earth and the cycles that rule it. You have the ability to shake up the awareness of others as well as the ability to grab every ones attention with the simplest of words. You understand the power of your words and use them sparingly and precisely to get your point across. You are often the first to draw everyone’s attention to something that needs attending to.

Woodpecker has entered your dreams…

When woodpecker comes knocking in your dreams it is asking you to pay attention in your waking life. There may be something you have overlooked and it is trying to bring it back into your focus. Diligence is key here. Just some background ….

Here is my attempt:

hammering noise

resonates through the forest

deepens the silence

© Chèvrefeuille
