An Artist, Photographer, Writer, Poet

Daily Archives: November 7, 2013

© Sigrid Saradunn 2013



The challenge is to add two 7 syllable lines

to Sara’s haiku to form a tan renga




life complete circle

at the end of the journey

death draws the last line

…………………………………………Sara McNulty


no one knows the day or year

live each day to the fullest




When I read the Carpe Diem episode,
I thought of the Taize’ services I love
to attend.  I am part of a group of
Episcopalians and other churches in the
area  that have services during the
year at various locations.  The service
is non-denominational

chanting and humming

gongs immerse the green valley

pilgrims join with joy


chanting and humming

gongs immerse the green valley

rooster crows ~ sun speaks


chanting and humming

gongs immerse the green valley

shimmering waters


chanting and humming

gongs immerse the green valley

birds wake ~ quiet chirp 


chanting and humming

gongs immerse the green valley

announcing days start

