An Artist, Photographer, Writer, Poet

Daily Archives: July 9, 2011

Day 09 – Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Friends from nursing school.  
It takes work to maintain friendships 
and when I was sick or depressed 
I didn’t take the effort to keep up with them as they moved.
 A shame.
And the military friendships, especially Kathy.
We moved with our husband’s
as they got orders to far away (from each other…Kathy and myself).
We wandered Puerto Rico,
who would think two small cars could put so much mileage
on … about 20,000 miles…
on a small island.
There were multiple trips a day,
returning to our homes on the base
with our groceries, packages,
then going out again.
Minds on the same wave length,
we laughed,
played cards…
with other wives,
as two couples,
shared adventures.
Now I wonder in my heart of hearts,
is she okay,
has her marriage flourished,
her child, maybe children,
grown like mine,
grandchildren maybe.
I think of her often.
Does she remember me?
Does she think of me?
I send a prayer her way
as I write this…
for health and happiness,
Peace and Love

One of Ida's door's. I just love doors...such character as they age.


The Process:

Somesville/Charlotte/John/four others/joyful

John outside/rest inside/summer artists

Car fixed/$20 part/$300 bill !

Progress/reverse mortgage/hopefully soon/prayerful


7/8/2011  Six Word Journal:

Summer artists/year long friends/precious


30 Days of Truth     
Day 08 – Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
People who treated me poorly
 were the kids in school when I changed schools,
which was often.
There were a few igunorant teachers back then, too,
saying careless things, in front of the class.
(fourth grade, Milwaukee: teacher:  in front of class:
go home and tell your mother you need an undershirt
…I can’t remember the exact words at this moment,
just that she implied I was starting to “develop” and
it was showing.)
It never pays to be the new kid on the block.
In High School it was the worst…
still fume about the ignorance some days.

5 QF

1.  Should handwriting still be taught in schools?:
I think that cursive handwriting should still be taught…
some young people now say they can’t read anything
written in cursive.  But I don’t think needs to be as stressful
as it was back in the day for me…do it perfect or else !
Also, it provides a unique signature for oneself. 
2.  Blackberry or pocket calendar ?:  
Pocket calendar…can barely figure out my cell phone !
3.  Family and pets are safe:  have to evacuate the house, what 3 things would you take with you ?:
Cell phone, lap top, passport, …it has a copy of my birth certificate in it,
     (hopefully wallet and camera are in the same bag as my cell phone)
    (…and if time:  family photos.)


4.  Country mouse or City mouse ?:  
City mouse living on the Downeast coast of Maine…
from “away” and it still shows after 40 years here.
5.  Which reality show would I want to go on ?:
I guess, Biggest looser or What Not to Wear.  I’m not athletic enough for most of the reality challenges.  And I don’t even know what most of the shows are.